Monday, May 18, 2009

Silence Is...

One thing that I have learned in my brief stint as a waiter...and I should have figured this out a long time ago:

Silence is not an external circumstance - it is an inward attitude.

Quiet is not an external circumstance - it is an inward orientation.

We can have peace and quiet, solitude, silence even amidst the noisiest and busiest bustle of life - and believe me, a popular restaurant gets pretty busy, especially for a new server such as myself.

And yet - I find my peace of mind not to be determined by how many guests I have, how many tables I'm waiting on, how backed up the bar is - but instead determined by my own choices in how I am going to live each moment.  Am I going to let myself get distracted from the people I'm serving?  Or am I going to remember always that no matter what may happen, He is Risen?  The choice is mine every day and every moment - and yours too.

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