Monday, May 18, 2009

In Titulum

A brief note on the title

Over the summer I am attempting to the best of my ability to discern where my Love is calling me - and as part of that I will be spending two weeks at St. John's Abbey in Collegeville, Minnesota with the Benedictine Monks there.  But more importantly perhaps, I am attempting to live a contemplative life in the everyday - through my daiurnal practices and through my job (waitering at a local restaurant).  I'm doing my best to make it to mass every day, confession et al. once a week, some labor daily (2-3 hours), and the rest of my days I'm trying to spend reading and praying - what hopefully amounts to an approximation (except for the waitering) of the contemplative life.  Oh, and the Liturgy of the hours.  For my purposes, I'm calling it the Experiment.  And i've decided to share the results of my time and prayer via this blog.  And hence,

The Everyday Contemplative

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