Monday, June 1, 2009

In Memoriam

George Tiller, victim of assassination, you will be missed.

Undoubtedly you were loved.  But your life as a human being had infinite value, and no one, I repeat, no one, had the right to take that away from you.  You stood as a challenge - a man firm in his beliefs, a test for us to not give in to our weaker natures and end the slaughter you performed through equally violent means.

A large number of us are faithful Christians who oppose abortion - but a faithful Christian can never take the life of an innocent brother or sister.

Your death will be used as propaganda against us, and against our tireless war on a culture that sees human life as something capable of being owned or disposed of at will.  The shame that is now upon your killer will be cast upon us all, and our persecution as a movement will be nearer now than before.

But you were loved.  By everyone who believes that in each of us, born and unborn, there exists something that has a value too great, too precious to even be measured.

Our love must see beyond all distinctions of circumstance to He Who Dwells Within, for only in others can we truly love Him, even in his "most distressing disguise of the poor," and even more in his most distrubing disguise of the abortionist - He Dwelt within you, and anytime the Light of Christ goes out in the world it is a great tragedy.

In God's unending and everlasting mercy,
May you Rest In Peace.

[Context in case you do not know: Yesterday, Sunday, May 31st, 2009, at about 8am Dr. George Tiller was gunned down by an unknown (and assumed "pro-life") assassin as he was walking into his Lutheran congregation for Sunday services.  Dr. Tiller was one of three doctors in the USA who performed late-term abortions.  Now there are only two, and the pro-choice cause has a martyr.]

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